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idea4gear GmbH

Interoperable product solutions

Solutions for  authorities and companies

By users for users

idea4gear was founded by users for users. We specialize in existing products  to optimize their function for the respective end user.

Product solutions & consulting

Very often the actual products are very good in themselves - but in combination with other products for the end user there is room for improvement. And this is exactly where we come in -> In close cooperation with the customer, we discuss the problem, work out a solution proposal with a wide network of experts and then implement it ourselves. 

We don't just sell products

Many of our product solutions are self-explanatory and  easy for the customer to use. If you need further instruction / training - please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. We support you with ideas and solutions. 


Interoperable product solutions
Made in Germany

Reliable & Intuitive

The product market is fast-paced and constantly evolving. Products regularly have to be exchanged, adjusted, added or dropped: We look for the solution for these adjustments. Our specialty is the safe and practical attachment of equipment from the areas of military, fire brigade, rescue service and police. Benefit from our many years of experience in all of these subject areas. 

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

Winston Churchill

Inquire now.


+49 170 7402008


idea4gear GmbH

Kuntzestrasse 72

73079 cuties

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